Monday, June 10, 2013

Are Marketing Research Efforts Wasted?! NO WAY!!

Marketing research has affected business today in many, many positive ways when it comes to analyzing and implementing new technologies in connection with new and upcoming projects in the industry. More then ever, the general public is being influenced to interact with their favorite brands both online and offline.

Social TV is a great example of this. Social TV allows fans to check in during their favorite TV shows and movies as they are broadcasted live. These fans have the ability to start conversations about the story plot, their favorite characters, what they think will happen in future episodes, what they hope will happen to current characters/their fate etc. Networks are beginning to see a high value in pushing their fans to interact with their favorite shows live via social media platforms aka social TV.

There is a lot of value in social conversation and social engagement, especially when you’re able to analyze the interactions and actually be a part of the conversations on the business side. Networks and marketers are now able to measure the volume of conversation, what these fans are talking about (story plot, characters), what they are saying and who’s actually saying it. This can help tremendously because networks can get a better understanding of who their audience is and what they want to see from the show. BlueFin is a company who measures social TV interaction and they feel strongly that this is a growing space for consumer activity. When analyzing this type of data via conversations, networks can go as far as bring this important online content and opinions into the actual show’s series. Incorporating what the fans want to see is something that could explode in the social TV space. Allowing avid show watchers the ability to have a say in what happens along the way is a great way to build show loyalty and make the viewers feel like they are actually part of this fantasy world. Essentially this data and technology offers a new way to expand a networks story telling system while keeping and expanding their fan base.

WatchESPN- This application is a newer release from ESPN that I really enjoy while on the run or at a sports bar that’s not playing the exact game I want to see. This application allows 24/7 instant access to live streaming feeds from ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3 and ESPNU. Being able to access ESPN from anywhere is an extremely convenient feature for those to are consistently on the road, who work a lot of hours and are unable to gain access to a TV for a major game and for those who just want to hang out and watch ESPN on their own time and in their own personal space.

ESPN XGAMES- This application is super interactive and really includes a lot of fan/user interaction. This application allows you to watch highlights, clips of best runs, crashes, view schedules, track scores and keep up with the newest global expansion project kicked off for 2013. This app features interactive aspects that other applications don’t like “TrickTrack.” “TrickTrack” displays cool trick data straight to your phone. This app also has a feature called “HypeMeter” that allows you to contribute to the excitement at the venue during the event. Not only does this application allow you to interact with its content within the app, but it also allows you to easily share information with your friends as well. You can even watch the events live via WatchESPN (mentioned above). Amazingly, this app also helps you out while your at the X Games venue, allowing access to parking lots and a map/layout of the event.

Boston Bruins App- This application allows the Bruins fans to stay connected to their favorite team all year round. During the season fans gain access to play0by-plays and instant game stats pushed directly to their phones. In addition, the app offers the latest Bruins news and video, both during the season and off-season. A cool feature this app holds is its integration of in-games sounds through your phone. For example, when the Bruins score a goal, the same sound that you would hear in stadium comes through your phones speakers…making sure your well aware of what’s happening exactly when it happens.

It’s a no brainer as to why sports organizations are jumping on the application bandwagon. Now more then ever, its extremely important to take a brand mobile, especially when your core audience are avid, crazy, diehard loyal fans of your organization/brand. Technology today has driven the consumer mentality to expect direct and unique/special access to news, scores and content whenever and wherever they want. Twitter has given consumers the notion that they deserve to be able to connect with their favorite stars and athletes through meaningful and inspirational tweets (aka conversations). Mobile is starting to take over, just look at our last post…every one of us mentioned the smartphone as being the most influential device in the mobile space.  Apps allow sports organizations to find their audience and engage with them one on one. Sports fans are fans 24/7 and applications satisfy this ongoing never ending drive for sports data and news. This is a direct way for organizations to connect with their core audience wherever they are. Connecting sports teams and athletes with passionate fans helps to support brand loyalty. Personal connections are extremely exciting and applications help to drive stronger relationships between sports fans and the organizations brand.  

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