Monday, June 10, 2013

No Such Thing as Bad Publicity?!?!

The days of “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” are over in a world where transparency has become so important to fans and sports organizations alike. For the most part, social media is a compliment to sports the sports industry and organizations, but don’t be fooled by social medias ability to fuel fan engagement and brand loyalty so easily. Social media can easily present challenges in the sports industry when it comes to legal action, athlete contracts, business management, structure and decisions.

With just a few clicks, 140 characters, a photo/video or a status update, a social media advocate can post a message to the digital universe and instantaneously impact a business or organization. This becomes ever so apparent when we look into the complicated and emotional world of sports and the social media platforms that influential professional athletes manage.

When it comes to business management structures, athlete’s social media accounts aren’t the only things that raise a brow; fans at the game can also cause sports organizations to be uneasy about the effortless, un-boundless reach that social media platforms have via smartphones and tablets. Its more and more common today that fans upload unauthorized live video content to the internet or social media accounts that they’ve captured from their seats at the stadium. With new shifts in technology, advertising and media rights could become a major issue when discussing where to draw the line on fan involvement and contract breaches. Public domain rights are going to be a hard thing to hash out with teams, stadiums, advertisers, media rights holders and fans while all in the same territory. The use of wireless devices like iPad’s and mobile phones have created complex sponsorship and media rights issues that could affect and are affecting hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue that leagues, sponsors and rights holders need to manage and work though now and in the future.

Sports organizations are increasingly recognizing social media’s ability to critically damage a valuable reputation. There’s a long list of cases in which damage was done to a sports organization’s reputation as a consequence of an athletes improper use of social media. To avoid liability, sports organizations should be proactive and implement strict policies that directly relate to and address these potentially damaging statements. A written social media policy along with expectations and guidelines should be included into an athletes and coaches (along with all employees) contracts; these policies should be strictly enforced and actively implemented on a consistent basis.

Social media crises can get even more complex when legal issues affect more then just the sorts organization itself. There are many things that a sports organization can do in order to be proactive in managing/handling these types of situations in the future. Organizations should waste no time in developing and implementing social media crisis management plans. These plans should be developed with the worst and most common situations to arise; be sure to implement a plan that’s suitable for almost any situation. Things to consider within this plan could and should be:
  • -       Management of cross-brand internal and external communications
  • -       Identify a trained spokesperson or people
  • -       Crisis management teams (how many? and who should be involved?)
  • -       Global crisis team vs. regional crisis team roles and actions.

Social media crisis are a real threat and this threat is amplified each and every day with the growing popularity of social media. Protecting and preparing your organization and other brands that could be directly affected through a meticulously developed crisis management plan helps to protect a brand’s lively hood and the online risks they face each and every day. 

Are Marketing Research Efforts Wasted?! NO WAY!!

Marketing research has affected business today in many, many positive ways when it comes to analyzing and implementing new technologies in connection with new and upcoming projects in the industry. More then ever, the general public is being influenced to interact with their favorite brands both online and offline.

Social TV is a great example of this. Social TV allows fans to check in during their favorite TV shows and movies as they are broadcasted live. These fans have the ability to start conversations about the story plot, their favorite characters, what they think will happen in future episodes, what they hope will happen to current characters/their fate etc. Networks are beginning to see a high value in pushing their fans to interact with their favorite shows live via social media platforms aka social TV.

There is a lot of value in social conversation and social engagement, especially when you’re able to analyze the interactions and actually be a part of the conversations on the business side. Networks and marketers are now able to measure the volume of conversation, what these fans are talking about (story plot, characters), what they are saying and who’s actually saying it. This can help tremendously because networks can get a better understanding of who their audience is and what they want to see from the show. BlueFin is a company who measures social TV interaction and they feel strongly that this is a growing space for consumer activity. When analyzing this type of data via conversations, networks can go as far as bring this important online content and opinions into the actual show’s series. Incorporating what the fans want to see is something that could explode in the social TV space. Allowing avid show watchers the ability to have a say in what happens along the way is a great way to build show loyalty and make the viewers feel like they are actually part of this fantasy world. Essentially this data and technology offers a new way to expand a networks story telling system while keeping and expanding their fan base.

WatchESPN- This application is a newer release from ESPN that I really enjoy while on the run or at a sports bar that’s not playing the exact game I want to see. This application allows 24/7 instant access to live streaming feeds from ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3 and ESPNU. Being able to access ESPN from anywhere is an extremely convenient feature for those to are consistently on the road, who work a lot of hours and are unable to gain access to a TV for a major game and for those who just want to hang out and watch ESPN on their own time and in their own personal space.

ESPN XGAMES- This application is super interactive and really includes a lot of fan/user interaction. This application allows you to watch highlights, clips of best runs, crashes, view schedules, track scores and keep up with the newest global expansion project kicked off for 2013. This app features interactive aspects that other applications don’t like “TrickTrack.” “TrickTrack” displays cool trick data straight to your phone. This app also has a feature called “HypeMeter” that allows you to contribute to the excitement at the venue during the event. Not only does this application allow you to interact with its content within the app, but it also allows you to easily share information with your friends as well. You can even watch the events live via WatchESPN (mentioned above). Amazingly, this app also helps you out while your at the X Games venue, allowing access to parking lots and a map/layout of the event.

Boston Bruins App- This application allows the Bruins fans to stay connected to their favorite team all year round. During the season fans gain access to play0by-plays and instant game stats pushed directly to their phones. In addition, the app offers the latest Bruins news and video, both during the season and off-season. A cool feature this app holds is its integration of in-games sounds through your phone. For example, when the Bruins score a goal, the same sound that you would hear in stadium comes through your phones speakers…making sure your well aware of what’s happening exactly when it happens.

It’s a no brainer as to why sports organizations are jumping on the application bandwagon. Now more then ever, its extremely important to take a brand mobile, especially when your core audience are avid, crazy, diehard loyal fans of your organization/brand. Technology today has driven the consumer mentality to expect direct and unique/special access to news, scores and content whenever and wherever they want. Twitter has given consumers the notion that they deserve to be able to connect with their favorite stars and athletes through meaningful and inspirational tweets (aka conversations). Mobile is starting to take over, just look at our last post…every one of us mentioned the smartphone as being the most influential device in the mobile space.  Apps allow sports organizations to find their audience and engage with them one on one. Sports fans are fans 24/7 and applications satisfy this ongoing never ending drive for sports data and news. This is a direct way for organizations to connect with their core audience wherever they are. Connecting sports teams and athletes with passionate fans helps to support brand loyalty. Personal connections are extremely exciting and applications help to drive stronger relationships between sports fans and the organizations brand.  

Technology Keeps Marketing Wrapped Together!

I believe that marketing strategies are shifting today because technology has found a way to be the “perfect” bow atop the gift of content and marketing. This is the bow that keeps everything wrapped together and looking beautiful all while remaining extremely functional.

It’s no secret that technology is used today in order to drive specific content to consumers via marketing strategies/campaigns. The real question is, what are companies doing to leverage this ability? Is it working? and has it been able to directly affect the decision/purchasing power of the everyday consumer?

With that said, technology has undoubtedly changed the way in which we interact with the brands we love and care about. Technology has given the marketing industry the ability to engage with its consumer, interact with its consumer and be influenced by its consumer on a whole new level.

Technology today pushes the consumer to feel entitled. More and more ads are being delivered to their audiences that speak directly to consumers. Shifts in technology have affected the way that consumers view, relate to and interact with their favorite brands. General announcements to the public have now evolved into personalized messages for individuals during ad campaigns. These shifts allow consumers to take a sole product and make it different, make it theirs. Engaging with the consumer is the most powerful aspect of a marketing campaign and technology allows heightened engagement and interaction when connecting their messages/campaigns via multiple platforms in order to be more inspirational to the consumer.

Brands are empowering their consumers via technology and its ability to be mobile/accessible. Personalization breed’s passion, more campaigns now encourage their consumers and fans to have an influence over there next or newly improved product. By allowing fans to help make decisions, companies are leveraging the power of choice and giving a sense of ownership or transparency to the consumer. A good example if this is what Mountain Dew allowed its consumers to do in a recent campaign. They used social media platforms as a way for consumers to submit ideas for a brand new personalized drink flavor that would be stocked in grocery and convenience store shelves around The United States. Mountain Dew was able to build consumer trust, brand loyalty all while brining joy to their consumers.

Another great example of this is uniquely wrapped gift is a platform called Pinterest. Pinterest is a great example of content, technology and marketing coming together to display and promote a particular lifestyle or brand. Pinterest allows its users to create, gather, share and inspire their own and others’ lifestyle brands/content via personalized boards. Pinterest is highly visible, giving users the ability to tell stories via content instead of through a paid for advertisement, as marketing was mostly done so in the past.

In my eyes, technology has delivered an extremely important device when it comes to the sports industry; the wireless device. Quick access to live scores, highlight reels and breaking news are extremely important for both the avid and casual sports fan. By creating applications and widgets for wireless devices like smartphones and tablets, sports fans are able to carry their favorite teams around with them wherever they go. Applications like ScoreCenter (ESPN) allow fans direct and instant access to all of the live sports scores, news and information that they care about exactly when and where they want it.

Project Management - NOT SO COOKIE CUTTER!!

Project management is so important to any established organization within an industry. Without a specific approach to the task of managing a project, achieving desirable objectives would be almost impossible. There are, however, many different ways in which a project can be carried out and the way in which it is executed. There is of course, the traditional method of managing a project, which includes developing and implementing specific plans, schedules and budgets etc. throughout identifiable stages. Another, more dynamic approach, is called effectuation. Effectuation is a more loosely evolved problem solving technique that allows for speculative formulation along the way.

As long as the projects purpose is achieved, does it really matter what approach you take in order to reach those desirable objectives? The answer to this question is YES YES YES! There are many different ways to carry out and manage projects because there are many different types of projects that require different measurables and standards.

Athlete Representation - What Would You Do?

Sports agencies weren’t always a thing of the past. Up until the past few decades, athletes would rely on their families, mainly their fathers and family lawyers to assist in their contract negotiations. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of individuals wanting to represent professional athletes. This increase can easily be explained by the high-profile status the sports industry has gained over recent years.

The great increase in salaries, sponsorships and benefits in professional sports have significantly expanded the need for the services that these “modernized” athletes require from agents. Today, agent representation of athletes has become a standard practice due to the increase in popularity surrounding the industry. Contract negotiations performed by today’s agents are a small part of their job functions. Today’s agents go as far as work with their clients’ financial advisers, marketing executives, insurance agents, tax professionals, travel agents as well as dealing with endorsements, promotions, appearances and public relations.

The competition to represent players in today’s sports market can be a vigorous task. With so many agents and agencies in the game and so many choices, players must decide what type of representation is the best fit for them; should they go with an agent in a corporate empire? or with an agent running a solo act?

The Pros of Agencies
-       Operate under corporate umbrellas
-       Represent a substantial number of professional athlete clients, giving them a great amount of experience in dealing with representation
-       Agencies often already have an extensive network of important contacts in the industry like head coaches, owners of major league teams etc.
-       Agencies have more resources and open avenues to explore
-       Large agencies can easily monopolize on top players making it easy for them to dominate the athlete representation market. Look at CAA for instance; they have become the most dominant sports agency in The United States because they represent many of the most successful players in major sports leagues.
-       More experience on the “business” side of athlete representation (sponsorships, endorsements, public relations etc.)

The Cons of Agencies
-       Its easier for an athlete to get lost in the shuffle if he/she isn’t a top earning client
-       Athlete will probably experience less individual attention and less face-to-face interaction
-       It might be harder for an agent to manage their time, their business and their client base in a larger agency

The Pros of Individual Agents
-       More personalized attention will come from individual agents
-       More personalized counseling will come from individual agents
-       Know your agent on a more personal level
-       Individual agents can be more invested in you because they depend on you for their livelihood.

The Cons of Individual Agents
-       Not as many resources available for marketability
-       Agent could be less stable financially
-       Lack of big-name connections
-       Might not have as wide of a reach in the industry as top agencies do

The bottom line is that athlete representation is about relationships. There are agencies and agents out there for everyone, it just depends what type of representation an athlete prefers. Whichever avenue an athlete decides to go down, they should make sure they take their time to explore the best options for their future careers.